
Yoga ("yoke", "unite", "control", also called "reborn") is in its broad context: a Hindu philosophy that teaches the mind, feel and body control , thereby union with God.

In a more mundane, Western concept of yoga is Hatha yoga to mean a branch of yoga (hatha yoga) which consists of a system of exercises for the body to obtain.

India defines yoga expert Jean Herbert also with two meanings are closely related. His definition is as follows:
"Yoga is the state in which man is yoked with the Divine is, that is connected with the Divine, as expressed in the word religion.
With a small version prints the word yoga is the state from which the 'visible man' is also linked to the 'real man', ie where man has regained his true nature and in accordance with lives.
The yoga technique, how it may be, is a discipline by which man tries to come to the state of yoga. "

The 6th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita (a passage from the Mahabharata, probably from the 3rd century BC.) Is for many the most important text on yoga. In this chapter the hero-warrior Arjuna by his charioteer - who has revealed himself to him as the god Krishna - urged the royal path of yoga to go.
If the standard work on classical yoga, however the Yogasoetra of Patanjali, which elevated levels of yoga technique and, although he mainly dealt with the practice, it gave a metaphysical basis. Yoga, which is theoretically similar to the Samkhya oriented, was now his own 'philosophical orientation' or a darshana.
From the work of Srila Vyasdeva is said that we would allow for the physical condition to leave and go into eternal spiritual existence together with the soul and personality. The work of Srila Vyasadeva is unique in the sense that the reader of his books with information on the personal aspects and qualities of the Lord, which he can rise to the, according to the Vedas, the highest achievement in the practice of spiritual activities.

Buddha is often the Mahayogi, the great Yogi called. Maya teaches an ascending series of meditations and contemplations, the samadhi, the mystical, visionary ecstasy, in which one Nirvana (without forest, that of vana (forest) and is nir (without) experience).
He also wrote Paramahansa Yogananda in Autobiography of a Yogi about the connectedness of the residents to dust Mahavatar Babaji who together worked stoffeloze Jesus Christ to the conversion of the divine plan for the earth in this age. Their mission would be out there, to inspire nations wars, racism, religious sectarianism and materialism to give.
Where Krishna is known as gopi-vandana ', the darling of His servants, who are always somewhere in the forest is located, is the impersonal glow (also called brahma-jyoti), a derivative of awareness regarding the Absolute Person.
The religious aspects of yoga in the form since the seventies in the resulting dialogue between Christian theology and India Studies is an important theme.

The Yogasoetra of Patanjali describe the raja yoga, hatha yoga which is the basis. Traditionally, it keeps four main system of yoga:
Jnana yoga: The yoga of inquiry along the road of the intellect, continued beyond the usual mental limitation
Bhakti yoga: The yoga of love and devotion to the divine made either through a representation of the divine through an object or a person in whom one sees the divine
raja yoga: the yoga of inward concentration
Karma yoga: The yoga of action without attachment and without self-interest. This yoga is more or less oriented to the divine

The eight branches (ashtanga) of raja yoga are described in the second pada of the Yogasoetra's. It concerns the following levels:
Yama refers to the five abstentions
Ahimsa: nonviolence
Satya: truth
Asteya: not steal
Brahmacharya: chastity
Aparigraha: renounce possessions
Niyama refers to the five precepts
Shaucha: physical purity
Santosha: source of the supreme joy
Tapas: burning zeal
Svadhyaya: introspection
Ishvarapranidhana: surrender to the worship of Ishvara
Asana: physical exercise
Pranayama: breathing
Pratyahara: withdrawal of the senses
Dharana: concentration
Dhyana: meditation
Samadhi: complete surrender / integration
ultimate goal is emancipation kaivalia

In the west there is only a significant attention to the practice of yoga since the latter half of the twentieth century. Usually this involves the relaxation of hatha yoga, which are perceived as beneficial by a hectic life in built-up tension. The main form of physical yoga is Hatha yoga that was first documented more than was in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika in 15th century AD. In the West, Yoga is seen as conducive to health and is often practiced without religious intent. Hatha yoga consists largely of asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing techniques). Hatha yoga is the basis for many other, more sophisticated types of physical yoga.
Ashtanga vinyasa yoga and power yoga are also similar physical types of yoga, each with different body positions in yoga series to follow. This is achieved in this Yogas a flow mentioned. This yoga forms require more strength, endurance and balance. Other types of yoga that go back to the basics of hatha yoga: Iyengar Yoga, Sivananda Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Anusara Yoga and Yoga teachings of Indra Devi. Furthermore, Pilates and the Five Tibetans kinship with hatha yoga.
Natya Yoga is the path of bhakti yoga and hatha yoga. This type of yoga is performed dancing and is therefore sometimes genoemd.Chakra yoga dance yoga is a spiritual approach to the energy fields in the body, called chakras. According to this philosophy every human body has seven so-called energetic physical wheels. These wheels would spin at a rapid pace and the life energy through the body let go.
The yoga nidra (sleep of the yogis') is a spiritual preparation for the practice of yoga and yoga method itself. Tantras are mystical spells that are part of the tantra yoga, tantric yoga also. The mantra yoga is also based mystical spells and sound vibrations, called mantras.
Vishna yoga postures that are used, inter alia within the kum nye [source?]. Here they assume that when a person completely out of balance, he must carry vishna exercises effortlessly. The physical body is seen as a sounding board for the energetic body and if there is a blockade is housed, than the physical body can not exercise it. Often used as vishna's exam times for students in training.
Kundalini yoga is based on generating the psychic power, also called the divine power (serpent power: kundalini) in the body to awaken and take off and so realize the redemption. This method requires control of the auto-extending body processes.
Other forms and types of yoga are:
Buddhi yoga (the way of intelligence)
daoyin yoga yoga species from China based on Daoism and Chan
Dru yoga (full integration of yoga, health and inner strength)
integral yoga based on the teachings of Sri Aurobindo
Kriya yoga (the path of action)
Kum Nye is a subtle body massage and yoga species from Tibet
Okido Yoga (from Japan by master Masahiro Oki offers life through good posture and breathing)
Sahaja Yoga (yoga organized form, akin to the shaktisme, with emphasis on kundaliniontwaking
Sahaja Yoga is a meditative yoga developed by Nirmala Srivastava
Satyananda Yoga is an integral type of yoga based on the teachings of Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Sweda also a subtle body yoga massage and yoga type from Tibet

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